How does anal sex feel? Can girls also feel pleasure during anal sex?

We explore the secrets of anal sex orgasm, and help you learn how to have anal sex through anal sex step-by-step, and anal sex product recommendations.

1. Why do some people like to "go through the back door"? Let you know where anal orgasm comes from.

"Baby, can we try playing with the back door this time?"

Have you ever heard an invitation like this during an intimate moment? Why are some partners so fond of "going through the back door"? How does it feel to go through the back door? Next, let us take you to explore this alluring sexual experience!

(1) What is anal sex?

Anal sex refers to the process of sexual intercourse that produces pleasure through friction. In addition to "back door" intercourse between lovers, the use of dildos, anal plugs and other sex toys to insert into the anus, and even the use of lips, tongue, and fingers to sexually stimulate the anus can be regarded as a form of anal intercourse.

(2) Does anal sex feel comfortable? Deciphering the difference in anal sex pleasure between boys and girls

Although the anus is not a sexual organ, it can still bring novel feelings and stimulation to sexual life. But you know what? The pleasure obtained through anal sex is actually very different between boys and girls!

♂️ The pleasure of anal sex for boys

Men have an exocrine gland called the "prostate" at the end of the bladder and the front of the rectum. The prostate is like a man's G-spot. Through anal intercourse, you can accurately massage the prostate by entering it through the man's "back door" to achieve the desired effect. 

In addition, if you have intercourse with your partner from the "back door", since the anus is tighter than the vagina, the penis will feel a stronger covering feeling during penetration, achieving an ultimate pleasure that is difficult to match with traditional sex.

♀️ The pleasure of anal sex for girls

Women do not have a prostate, so anal intercourse does not directly bring sexual pleasure. However, because the area around the anus is covered with blood vessels and nerves, if there is sufficient foreplay and appropriate sexual skills, combined with multiple stimulation of the clitoris, vagina, and nerves around the anus, Girls can also get pleasure from anal sex.

2. How to have anal sex? From preparation to cleaning afterwards, anal sex techniques and steps are revealed

(1) Things to know before anal sex: It is important to clean and prepare tools beforehand!

After all, the original purpose of the anus is to help the body release excreta, so adequate cleaning and preparation before having anal sex must not be ignored.

We recommend that you consume more fiber the day before having anal intercourse to make defecation smoother, and run to the toilet several times to ensure that there are no excrement residues in the rectum. Before intercourse, you can use a special anus cleaner to rinse, and use it lightly against the anus. Open the mouth, pour water and repeat cleaning several times until the discharged water becomes clear, which can effectively reduce the chance of bacteria and viruses breeding and prevent infection and discomfort.

In addition to cleaning up before anal sex, if you want to make the sex process more comfortable, the following recommended tools are also recommended to prepare in advance:

Special lubricant for anal sex: The anus does not naturally secrete lubricant like the vagina, so be sure to prepare a special lubricant for anal sex. It can not only provide smooth and long-lasting lubrication effect, reduce discomfort and pain, but also avoid the use of general waterproof lubricant. After evaporation, the problem of hurting the anus will be eliminated.

Finger condoms and condoms: There are a lot of bacteria in the anus and rectum. Anal intercourse without condoms may lead to prostatitis, accessory tuberitis, urinary tract inflammation and other infection problems. Therefore, do not think that there is no risk of pregnancy if you enter through the back door. Taking safety measures and preparing finger protectors and condoms are the most basic requirements to protect yourself and your partner.

Anal Relaxation Spray & Gel: Anal Relaxation Spray & Gel helps relieve the discomfort caused by anal laxity and promotes the repair of tissues around the anus. It can be used for relaxation beforehand and soothing afterwards.

Anal toys: such as butt plugs, anal beads or prostate vibrators, etc., add more fun and stimulation to the anal sex process.

(2) How to make anal sex more pleasurable? Don't miss these anal sex tips!

❤️Achieve consensus with your partner
Everyone has different levels of comfort with anal sex, so be sure to have an open and honest discussion with your partner about your feelings, expectations, and boundaries before engaging in it. Only by understanding each other's comfort zones and respecting each other's wishes can we lay a good start for subsequent sexual intercourse.

❤️Keep a relaxed mood
Since there are many nerves around the anus, any slight tension may cause muscle tightness, which may lead to discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse. It is recommended that before starting sex, you can relax your body and mind by taking deep breaths and listening to music; partners can also reduce tension by encouraging and praising each other.

❤️Make foreplay as complete as possible
The anus does not naturally secrete lubricating fluid like the vagina. Sufficient foreplay can help relax the muscles and allow the partner's body to gradually get used to stimulation and become more immersed in the joy of sex.

❤️Express your feelings promptly
During anal sex, whether it is pleasure, comfort, discomfort, or pain, feedback should be given to the partner in a timely manner. Each link should be based on communication, comfort, and respect, so that the anal sex process can be filled with pleasure and happiness.

(3) 6-step instruction on anal sex, allowing your partner to reach the peak of pleasure together!

1. Relax the back door

In order to relax the back door and slowly relax the tight sphincter muscles, it is recommended to use the lubricant, anal relaxation spray and other tools introduced above, or gently massage around the anus with your fingers to allow the anus to gradually adapt to the stimulation. 

2. Use lubricant

Before sex, special anal lubricant should be evenly applied to the anus, penis, and sex toys to reduce discomfort caused by friction.

3. Inform your partner of the next move

Good communication is key to sex. When having anal sex, you can tell the other party the next actions in advance so that the partner can be mentally prepared to help relax and make the whole process smoother and more enjoyable.

4. Caress each other to increase stimulation

In addition to visiting the back door during anal sex, don't forget to kiss, touch and gently caress each other's body to make the sexual symphony composed by the two people more pleasurable and moving.

5. Adjust body position

In order to increase the interest between two people, during sex, you can adjust the body odor that both parties like in time, such as missionary, doggy style or female on top, etc., so that the visual and physical pleasure can be enhanced.

If you switch to vaginal intercourse during anal intercourse, be sure to change condoms to prevent bacteria from being introduced from the anus into the vagina and causing infection.

6. Hug afterward

After sex, don't forget to give your partner a big hug. The hug afterwards can make both parties feel the love between them, and it is the best moment to warm up the relationship again!

(4) Instructions on cleaning methods after anal sex. Only by cleaning properly can you effectively prevent infection! When you end sex, you should also clean thoroughly. At this time, it is recommended to rinse with warm water. Do not use soap or other cleaning products to avoid dryness or irritation.

In addition, after anal sex, remember to change sheets and towels to avoid bacterial growth.